My actual birthday is November 21, but I've adopted the practice of celebrating all month. This means each day I take time to do something for myself (read a book I've want to read, call someone I've been wanting to speak with, purchase a new nail polish or simply do nothing at all). On yesterday a young lady asked me how I felt about turning 40. I was reminded of a conversation I had with my friend Brenda almost a decade ago. Brenda told me that you don't really grow up until you turn 40. I told that young lady that I now understand what she meant by that comment. I find that I'm now at a place where I'm comfortable with me and comfortable with those who are not comfortable with me. I'm not going out of my way to be a nuisance to others, but I fully realize that when I've not wronged an individual and they have a problem with me...well, it's just that - their problem. I'm also not given to building/seeking relationships with those influenced by group think. I find that having a circle of friends with different opinions helps to broaden my mind and forces me to look beyond my own likes and dislikes. It's unfortunate that many people are not comfortable with being who they really are or simply don't want to put in the work to find their authentic voice/self. Far too often, people are okay with basing opinions of something/someone because of what their "friends" say or think about the thing or person. I'm over that!!! I'm understanding more and more the saying that some people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. The ebbs and flows of relationships can keep us on an emotional roller coaster. There are some people that have come and gone and I breathed a sigh of relief and there are others that when they departed it was over many tears. Nonetheless, I've learned that the gift of goodbye is a helpful tool to have in the toolbox. I've learned how to accept the the comings and the goings and appreciate the special times in between. I've come to embrace the fact that I'm flawed and subject to missing the mark, but that doesn't mean that I can't make course corrections along the journey nor does it mean that I have to accept less than what I deserve from others. I'm too fabulous to give up on me and my dreams to gain another's approval/acceptance (by the way, so are you)!!!! This journey has taught me that both blessings and tribulations can come from out of nowhere, but I have it within me to handle whatever may come.
So, how do I feel about turning 40? Pretty darn good!!!!
Abounding in Love and Growing in Grace,