Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Handle With Care

These three words warn the person about to handle a package that there's something delicate inside. Recently, I was transporting a fragile item which belonged to a friend.  It was in packing and transporting this item that I thought of life's journey. During the packing process, I made sure to carefully insulate the item and strategically place it within my luggage so that it wouldn't be damaged during the transport. While the item was designed to withstand a certain amount of pressure, temperature and handling, the wrong move, the wrong force could damage it beyond repair. 

Just like that item, even the strongest among us have areas, moments, days, spaces in our lives where we are vulnerable to circumstances and need some extra care.  I've learned over the past few years that God is masterful at handling us with care.  While we sojourn through this thing called life, we are certain to be bounced around from time to time. Even though we may feel every bit of turbulence, we may experience some motion sickness and we may even be frightened during the ride, God skillfully insulates us so that the ride doesn't break us. God carefully places us so that we can arrive safely at our destination.  What feels as if it will be our certain destruction turns into a testimony. We realize that there were some people surrounding  us to comfort us, some circumstances underneath us holding us and some prayers covering us that kept us from irreparable damage.

 I'm reminded of the song lyrics, "...But the Captain of my soul, He's always on board, He rocks me in His arms, While riding through the storm..."  If we can just trust God while in transport and stay in place, we can avoid the breaks, cracks, chips, scratches that we encounter when we are out of position. be continued.....

Abounding in Love and Growing in Grace,



  1. This is a wonderfully written, oh-so-true article. I love it!!! That's who I know and love. My Bestie!!!!

  2. Great Blog Veronica!!! I can't wait to read the next one!
